PRT Constitution

Article I: Name

The name of this organization shall be Presidents’ Round Table (PRT) of African American Community College Chief Executive Officers (CEOs).

Article II: Mission

The Presidents’ Round Table (PRT) is a member of the American Association of Community Colleges’ National Council on Black American Affairs. The PRT is intended to provide African-American community college presidents with a support network that includes:

  • Identifying and responding to challenges affecting African-Americans in community colleges;
  • Providing mentoring opportunities for African-American upper-level community college administrators;
  • Sharing professional resources;
  • Providing other national and international professional opportunities for African-American CEOs, and;
  • Supporting the goals and objectives of the National Council on Black American Affairs.

Article III: Role

To achieve this goal, the Presidents’ Round Table will:

  • Monitor and review inequities in the delivery of educational services to black students and services provided to blacks in community college education;
  • Promote the professional development and advancement of African American CEOs in community colleges;
  • Provide mentoring opportunities either formally or informally for African American administrators in community colleges;
  • Establish internships, when feasible, among member institutions to provide opportunities for blacks to have practical administrative experiences;
  • Share published and unpublished materials such as speeches, statistical data, research findings and other items to assist members in their professional
  • Develop, update, and disseminate a list of African American CEOs who are available to serve as resource persons to universities, businesses, other institutions or nations;
  • Plan and hold two meetings annually: one meeting in conjunction with the AACC convention and the other at a time and place to be determined by the Executive Board; and
  • Seek funding for special projects as agreed to by the Presidents’ Round Table.

Men of Color Student Leadership Institute

The purpose of the Presidents’ Round Table Men of Color Student Leadership Institute (MOCSLI) is to develop, and promote an effort focused on increasing the attendance, persistence and completion of post-secondary programs for minority males.

Lakin Institute

The Thomas Lakin Institute for Mentored Leadership prepares senior-level executives for positions as chief executive officers. It has placed the highest number of African Americans in CEO positions in community colleges in the U.S.